Source: BIMCO - "The Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN) has launched a survey to obtain a better understanding of the possible link between the COVID-19 outbreak and corrupt demands faced...
June 03, 2020
By: mhanson
Source: International Chamber of Commerce - "ICC has warned that proactive government interventions will be needed to ensure the market can power an economic rebound in the wake of the COVID-19...
June 03, 2020
By: mhanson
Source: BIMCO - "In the wake of COVID-19 have the BIMCO secretariat recieved a number of reports and circulars with imposed restrictions intended to keep the virus at bay. These restrictions...
June 03, 2020
By: mhanson
Source: UN Global Compact Action Platform for Sustainable Ocean Business - To slow the spread and mitigate the effects of COVID-19, countries all over the world have closed borders, curtailed...
June 03, 2020
By: mhanson
Aource: ICS - "ICS is collecting information on the ability of ships to conduct crew changes during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This is to support efforts by ICS to encourage Governments to implement...
June 03, 2020
By: mhanson
Source: WTO - The statistics presented in this report are unprecedented. We are witnessing data points and inflections in trends that would have been unimaginable only a few months ago. New...
June 03, 2020
By: mhanson
Source: Seas At Risk - "As the Covid-19 pandemic continues, governments around the globe are preparing significant financial stimulus packages and bailouts. These funds will provide...
June 03, 2020
By: mhanson
Source: Centers for Disease Control - CDC is allowing crew members to disembark from cruise ships in U.S. waters and return home if cruise lines submit a signed attestation stating that they...
June 03, 2020
By: mhanson
Source: European Community Shipowners’ Associations - "Survey results show that important segments of the European shipping industry are heavily impacted, and European or national...
June 03, 2020
By: mhanson
Source: British Ports Association - Just 36% of UK ports feel confident about their business outlook over the next 12 months and 86% reported either substantial or severe impacts on...
June 03, 2020
By: mhanson