The 2015 Seamen’s Church Institute Shore Leave Survey has just come out and the results are disheartening. In the last five years the number of ships with at least one detained seafarer has...
July 28, 2015
By: mhanson
The US Coast Guard has issued Navigation and Vessel Inspection No. 01-15 (click to download NVIC 01-15) to assist Coast Guard personnel and other maritime stakeholders in meeting their respective...
July 27, 2015
By: mhanson
A recent series of articles in the New York Times (including 2 front page above the fold!) which criticizes the organizations for lax enforcement of the "genuine link" requirement in the UN...
July 23, 2015
By: mhanson
The Australian government has tabled a bill in Parliament which "aims to simplify the regulatory process for the movement of cargo and passengers around the Australian coast by removing...
July 22, 2015
By: mhanson
Port state control statistics always make interesting reading and the recently released Paris MOU Annual Report for 2014 is no exception. The top 5 categories of deficiencies for 2014 were
July 22, 2015
By: mhanson
The new regulation Cap 413O puts into effect the latest requirements of the MARPOL Annex V -- Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships. Cap 413O will come into operation on 1 July 2015 and apply...
July 01, 2015
By: shipregistries
It's always refreshing when a regulatory body employs a carrot rather than a stick. The Hong Kong Marine Department Notice No. 91 of 2015 extends the existing program to reduce vessel SOx...
June 26, 2015
By: shipregistries
The list covers the period 2012- 2014. France continued at the top of the White list with Hong Kong moving up 4 spots to number 2 and Bahamas moving up 8 to number 3. The United State made the...
June 25, 2015
By: shipregistries
Our friends at DNV-GL have issued an update titled IMO REQUIREMENTS FROM JULY 2015 TO JULY 2018 INCLUSIVE to help owners and managers keep up with the ever increasing number of amendments to various...
June 12, 2015
By: shipregistries
The International Chamber of Shipping submission provides information on new industry guidance, Large Scale Rescue Operations at Sea. Guidance on ensuring the safety and security of seafarers and...
June 09, 2015
By: shipregistries