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Source: BIMCO - "The Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN) has launched a survey to obtain a better understanding of the possible link between the COVID-19 outbreak and corrupt demands faced by the shipping industry, and how such demands are affecting seafarers and vessel operations.

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Major interventions needed to backstop trade recovery, warns ICC

Source: International Chamber of Commerce - "ICC has warned that proactive government interventions will be needed to ensure the market can power an economic rebound in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis.

ICC estimates a possible US$ 5 trillion of trade credit will be needed to enable a rapid recovery from the COVID-19 crisis

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Source: BIMCO - "In the wake of COVID-19 have the BIMCO secretariat recieved a number of reports and circulars with imposed restrictions intended to keep the virus at bay. These restrictions have proven to disturb crew mobility. In this page, we'll guide our members on the ship/shore interface restriction regimes BIMCO is aware of.

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Source: UN Global Compact Action Platform for Sustainable Ocean Business - To slow the spread and mitigate the effects of COVID-19, countries all over the world have closed borders, curtailed travel and imposed quarantine and social isolation restrictions.

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Report form for crew changes during the COVID-19 pandemic

Aource: ICS - "ICS is collecting information on the ability of ships to conduct crew changes during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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How COVID-19 is changing the world: a statistical perspective

Source: WTO - The statistics presented in this report are unprecedented. We are witnessing data points and inflections in trends that would have been unimaginable only a few months ago. New statistical records are being set on an almost weekly basis. By the end of April, 212 countries, territories or areas had reported confirmed cases of COVID-19.

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Climate action in Covid-19 recovery plans

Source: Seas At Risk - "As the Covid-19 pandemic continues, governments around the globe are preparing significant financial stimulus packages and bailouts. These funds will provide immediate relief to stave off the collapse of some badly hit businesses and industries and protect the incomes of workers at risk of lay-off or unemployment.

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Cruise Ship Crew Member Disembarkations

Source: Centers for Disease Control - CDC is allowing crew members to disembark from cruise ships in U.S.

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Survey report shows severe economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on European shipping

Source: European Community Shipowners’ Associations - "Survey results show that important segments of the European shipping industry are heavily impacted, and European or national measures are not always available in all member states to alleviate the situation.

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UK Ports now face greater uncertainty due to COVID-19 than they did Brexit

Source: British Ports Association - Just 36% of UK ports feel confident about their business outlook over the next 12 months and 86% reported either substantial or severe impacts on shipping and customer activities, according to new data published by the British Ports Association (BPA) today.

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