mhanson's blog

D G Shippinq Order No. 10 of 2020

Source: DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF SHlPPlNG, MUMBAI -The coronavirus (COVID-l9) pandemic has created a global crisis which has impacted all aspects of life and badly affected the world of work. ln the maritime sector, it has severely disrupted the functioning of shipping and affected the work of nearly 2 million seafarers worldwide.

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IMO and port State inspection authorities set pragmatic approach to support global supply chain

Source: IMO - The port State control (PSC) regimes which carry out inspections onboard ships to monitor and enforce compliance with international regulations have highlighted their commitment to ensuring shipping continues to trade safely, securely and efficiently during the coronavirus pandemic, while respecting the important role of seafarers as key workers and protecting the environment.

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COVID-19: Ballast Water Management (BWM) Extensions

Source: USCG - The Coast Guard is aware that, in some instances, disruptions to supply chains and workforce availability due to the COVID-19 pandemic make it difficult for owners and operators to bring their vessels into compliance with the Coast Guard Ballast Water Management Regulations set forth in Title 33 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 151, Subparts C and D (33 C.F.R.

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Guidance to Assist with Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) on Ship Operations

Source: LISCR - The purpose of this Marine Advisory is to update the guidance previously provided on 24 February 2020, in the form of Questions and Answers, to assist Shipowners, Operators, Masters and Recognized Organizations that may be experiencing difficulty in conducting operations, due to the COVID-19.

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COVID-19 and the Shipowner's Legal Obligations

Source: Editorial by Greg Hurley, partner at Jones Walker LLP - COVID-19 is a disease transmitted by respiratory droplets that spread during social interactions or when sharing close quarters with individuals who may be either symptomatic or asymptomatic. Vessel owners may have liability to their employees who become ill in the service of the ship.

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CORONAVIRUS (Covid-19) Contingency Plan and Guidelines for the services provided to Seafarers and Shipowners by the MCA.

Source: UK MCA - The department of Health & Social Care (DHSC) and Public Health England (PHE) are leading the UK government response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

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COVID-19 Impacts on Demurrage and Detention

Source: MarLink - What might not be so obvious in this COVID-19 environment, which we have grown to associate with shortages, is that counterintuitively there are issues beginning to appear dealing with the opposite situation.

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The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) have issued a joint call on behalf of seafarers to governments to facilitate the essential movement of seafarers and marine personnel.

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Concerning Corona virus (COVID-19) Guidance relating to extension certificates of seafarers

Source: UAE - The Federal Transport Authority for Land and Maritime (FTA) as the competent maritime administration in the United Arab Emirates, and in light of the precautionary measures taken by the FTA to prevent an outbreak of the Corona Virus (COVID-19), and in accordance to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for seafarers 1978, as amended

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Circular Measures to facilitate ship's crew change in UAE under special circumstances during COVID-19

Source: UAE - "The FTA has decided on lifting the ship's crew change restrictions gradually, and in the first stage under special circumstances the priorities will be given to :

1-Seafarers with resident visa who are stuck on board their ships.

2- Crews of passenger ships currently laid up  in UAE.

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