mhanson's blog

ITF and affiliates stand for crew change

Source: ITF - "Seafarers in their unions are putting more pressure on the world’s governments to allow for crew changes, as more than 200,000 seafarers are now trapped aboard vessels working beyond their contracts.

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Phased return to Survey and Inspection in the UK this month

Source: UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency - "From today (6 July) Marine Offices will start to take bookings for 20 July onwards. Survey activities will be carried out in accordance with the guidance outlined in MIN 623 (M+F) and Operators are strongly advised to consult this document prior to making any arrangements.

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IMO endorses guidance on ensuring seafarers’ access to medical care onshore

Source: IMO - "A significant step has been made to protect seafarers’ health and safety amid the COVID-19 pandemic, with IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim’s endorsement of a series of recommendations designed to ensure seafarers can access medical care ashore quickly and safely.

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Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) – Impact on crew changes

Source: SKULD - Many countries have implemented strict measures to reduce the exposure and transmission of COVID-19 to their citizens and which do have an impact on shipping.


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Seafarer suicide statistics spotlighted as coronavirus curtails crew changes

Source: Seafarers UK - "Recent reports of seafarers stranded on cruise ships taking their own lives have highlighted the dearth of reliable information about suicides at sea.

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Insight: Maritime Labour Convention (MLC 2006)

Source: SKULD - COVID-19: MLC imposes extensive obligations on flag states, port states and shipowners which are relevant to protection of seafarers during the COVID-19 pandemic.  The Officers of the Special Tripartite Committee, made up of representatives of States, shipowners and seafarers, have issued this Statement which draws attention to the key role played by seafarers and urge

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Source: Watson, Farley & Williams - The EU Ship Recycling Regulation (the “EU Regulation”) was adopted in 2013 and is in essence an early implementation in the EU of the Hong Kong Convention for the safe and environmentally sound recycling of ships (adopted in 2009); both of which aim to reduce the negative impacts on human health and the environment arising from the recycl

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Concerning “Vehicles Carriers” coming from ports at North West of Europe and heading to port of Singapore and it Eastern ports

Source: Suez Canal Authority - "Meeting the desires of “Vehicles Carriers”  owners & principals, Suez Canal Authority’s clients; Suez  Canal Authority had decided the following:

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Source: ST. VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES MARITIME ADMINISTRATION - "The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is resulting in various restrictions and limitations which seriously affect the continuity of maritime operations on a global scale.

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Maximum period of shipboard service for seafarers during COVID-19 pandemic

Source: Australian Maritime Safety Authority - "Outlines the maximum continuous period that a seafarer can serve on board a vessel without taking leave during the period of disruption that has been caused by COVID-19.


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