EU Registry Now Representing Portuguese Flag

The EU Registry, formed last year by former Liberian Registry officials Dr. Albrecht Gundermann and Captain Jörg Molzahn, have signed a contract to serve as exclusive agent for the International Shipping Register of Madeira (MAR).

The International Business Center of Madeira (SDM) reports:

S.D.M. establishes a strategic partnership for MAR

The international partnership recently established by S.D.M. aims at making MAR one of the leading shipping registers in Europe.
S.D.M. – Sociedade de Desenvolvimento da Madeira has recently established a strategic partnership with Euromar – EU Registry, a German company based in Hamburg, led by Dr. Albrecht Gundermann and Capt. Jörg Molzahn, recognized specialists with a vast experience in the shipping business.
This partnership, in addition to strengthening the promotion of the International Shipping Register of Madeira (MAR), aims at increasing the attractiveness and efficiency of this sector of the International Business Centre of Madeira, in order to turn it into one of the leading European registers, in the medium and long term.
The partnership in question has the support of the Portuguese authorities, from whom several measures and changes of procedures are necessary to assure MAR’s competitiveness, thus allowing the Register to reach its full potential.
For S.D.M., the celebration of this partnership is a further step forward to reinforce the competitiveness of MAR, in particular, and of the International Business of Madeira, as a whole, thus generating additional contributions for the regional economy.
The International Shipping Register of Madeira serves as the second register of Portugal and ships bear the Portuguese flag.