Hawaii Committee Seeks Jones Act Exemption
The State of Hawaii is requesting exemption from Jones Act US Build requirements for itself and all noncontiguous trade regions of the United States (Alaska, Guam, Puerto Rico).
The requests have been introduced in House Concurrent Resolution 150 (HCR150) and House Resolution 119 (HR119).
The resolutions have garnered the support of the Hawaii Shippers Council, Honolulu Star Advertiser, and the State House Committee on Economic Development and Business (EDB). The EDB is chaired by Representatives Clift Tsuji and Gene Ward.
In order for the resolutions to continue on for consideration, it needs to be passed by both the EDB and the House Committee on Transportation (TRN) in a joint-hearing. In order for that hearing to be scheduled, TRN Chairman Rep. Ryan Yamane must agree to it, which has not yet happened.
The Hawaii Shippers Council is asking that those who support the resolutions express that support to Rep. Yamane. His contact information is as follows; and a sample message is linked to the email address listed (Those using the template should add their name and information at the end of the message.)
Ryan I. Yamane
House District 37
Hawaii State Capitol, Room 420
Tel: [1] (808) 586-6150
Fax: [1] (808) 586-6151
Email: repyamane@capitol.hawaii.gov
The same message may also be submitted by fax or post.