One on One with Registries at CMA Shipping

As is customary the OGSR staff took time to speak with representatives from the various ship registries throughout CMA Shipping this past week.

The most frequently voiced topic continued to be the Maritime Labor Convention. Commandant Davy Rolle of the Bahamas Maritime Authority said they are working with shipowners to ensure their ships meet all of the criteria required of the convention.

Bill Gallagher of the Marshall Islands said the flag was working with its recognized organizations, all of which are IACS members, to make sure each ship met the requirements of the convention. He described the flag-class relationship as a symbiotic one. John Ramage, also from the registry, added that many of the MLC requirements were already currently in place because of the ISM code and said the two sets of regulations "could be harmonized."

Michael DeCharles of the Vanuatu Registry said the flag was working to adopt the MLC, but faced the challenge of an absence of regulations of social benefits such as health care and social security within the country. He said that challenge would not deter the flag, though, as it is recognized that shipping is global industry and Vanuatu needs to meet its international standards. In fact, DeCharles and colleague Matthew Bovento recently wrote an article for the February 2013 issue of Marine Log outlining the requirements of the convention.

DeCharles also commented on the Marshall Islands Maritime Amendment Act, saying that they are also currently reviewing their mortgage legislation.

We wish our registry friends and colleagues a successful conclusion to the conference and welcome any additional comments they wish to share.