Registries Recognize Benefits of Marine Money Superyacht Finance Forum Attendance

The Marshall Islands and Cayman Islands Registries are valued supporters of Marine Money's annual Superyacht Finance Forum, which takes place September 24th, 2013. The two have recognized the value of assisting their clients with informed details on aspects of yacht ownership, something Marine Money works hard with its valued sponsors and speakers to provide in Monaco.

“I have attended every Superyacht Finance Forum in Monaco since the kickoff session in 2008,” said Gene Sweeney, Senior Vice President, Yacht Operations, of International Registries, Inc. (IRI). IRI provides administrative and technical support to the Republic of the Marshall Islands Maritime and Corporate Registries.

“Part of the attraction of coming back each year is the networking with the yacht industry stakeholders. Of course each year Mike and the Marine Money team are able to attract a new group of keynote speakers to address the most topical subjects affecting the financial and regulatory side the yachting industry. Yachting, in a number of ways, is more complex and challenging than the traditional deep water side of the marine business and forums such as these address the moving parts that bring it all together,” he concluded.

Cayman Islands Shipping Registry CEO Joel Walton, left, has also attended all of Marine Money's Superyacht Finance Forums and attests to their benefits. Walton says, "I have attended the Superyacht Finance Forum since its inception and it is the only one of its type in my annual agenda. Solid attendance, informative speakers, focused debate and good networking opportunities are key features of the Forum. As CEO of the Cayman Registry it allows me broad coverage all within 5 days given that the Forum takes place within the same week as the Monaco Yacht Show during which we also host the Cayman Yacht Forum."

The OGSR would like to note that the Cayman Yacht Forum Walton mentions is anticipated to reach full capacity; additionally, the registry will host seminars in Fort Lauderdale and London later this year. We will follow up with the registry after their Monaco event for press coverage, presentations and more, as well as post updates on their upcoming forums.

The OGSR will also of course report on the Marine Money Superyacht Finance Forum following its taking place. Those still interested in registering for the event may do so through Marine Money's website.

Top right photo (C) Ed Wright.