ship registration

UN/CEFACT standards will support digitalization of maritime transport

Source: UN/CEFACT - When ships enter and leave ports, vital information about cargoes, dangerous goods, crews, vessel detail

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Updated: COVID-19: Coronavirus Outbreak – Impact on Shipping *Update*

Source: North P&I - "In response to the 2019-nCoV novel coronavirus outbreak, a number of countries, ports and organisations are publishing details of the measures being put in place.

The below is a brief summary of information we have received so far that has the potential to impact ship operations."

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From Physical to Digital – Waves Group Introduces New Remote Survey Capability

Source: Waves Group - Waves Group has continued the expansion of its digital capabilities with the introduction of a new remote survey and inspection capability using mobile digital technology.

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Cyprus ship registry: updates on precautions for mariners in relation to COVID-19

Source: Elias Neocleous & Co LLC - Further to Circular 03/2020, the Shipping Deputy Ministry has issued Circular 05/2020 informing the registered owners, charterers, ship managers and representatives of Cyprus-flagged ships of the following circular letters issued by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO):

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Source: MPA Singapore - "To further assist the industry, MPA has announced the MaritimeSG Together Package, effective from 1 May 2020.

I. Additional Port Dues Concession

2 MPA will grant the additional port dues concessions set out in Table 1.

This is on top of all existing port dues concessions:"

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Concerning the Amendment of circular (2/2016) concerning "Containerships" coming from ports at the East Coast of America

Source: Suez Canal Authority - As an encouragement to owner and operators of "Containerships " coming from ports at the East Coast of America and heading to ports at the South and South East of Asia to pass their vessels through Suez Canal ; Suez Canal Authority has decided the following:

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Panama Canal Implements Temporary Relief Measures for Customers Amid Economic Uncertainty

Source: Panama Canal Authority - "To help mitigate the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Panama Canal announced today a temporary adjustment to its reservation system that will provide customers with added flexibility and relief.

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ITF Dockers Covid-19 universal work site protocols

Source: ITF - "These protocols should be viewed as minimum steps that employers should implement to protect dockers and all workers within the ports.

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Disembarking Asymptomatic Crew for Transfer or Repatriation

Source: Center for Disease Control - During this period of suspended passenger operations, there are stipulations for crew transfers and repatriation.

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India - COVID-19: regulatory updates

Source: Tuli & Co. - In order to address the ever-changing COVID-19 pandemic in India, the government has issued various notifications, including a nationwide closure of all public and private establishments (except for essential service providers), which have had a direct impact on the normal functioning of entities, including those in the insurance sector.

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