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The Economic Effects of COVID-19 Containment Measures

Source: INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND - "Containment measures are crucial to halt the spread of the 2019 COVID-19 pandemic but entail large short-term economic costs.

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Criminalization Of Seafarers Amid COVID-19: Seafarers, Are You Aware Of The Rights Available?

Source: Marine Insight - "Criminalization of seafarers is a concept. It is not only applied to cases of “high profile cases” upon a maritime accident/incident but has a wider scope in day to day working of a seafarer too. The seafarers are at times denied the basic rights and treated unfairly in different scenarios.

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Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

Source: SKULD - "On 11 March 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) characterized COVID-19 as a pandemic and this announcement followed the declaration of a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) by the WHO on 30 January 2020.

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COVID-19 information for the marine industry

Source: Australian Government - "This fact sheet applies to all international voyages and maritime crew entering Australia, except for cruise ships and cruise ship crew.

Additional immigration, reporting and quarantine requirements apply to maritime crew who have been in or transited through another country.

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MARINA releases new procedures on ship crew changes, repatriation of seafarers amid COVID-19 pandemic

Source: Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) - MANILA – The Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA), with guidance from the Department of Transportation (DOTr), has issued the detailed procedures and health and safety protocols for the repatriation and the conduct of crew change, in authorized domestic and international ports in the country.

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Seafarers Happiness Index - Quarter 2 / 2020

Source: The Mission to Seafarers - "The Seafarers Happiness Index (SHI) is a barometer of the key issues facing those at sea today. This latest report for the second quarter of 2020 reflects the responses from crew members globally against the backdrop of a global crew change crisis precipitated by COVID-19.

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Outcome of surveys by ICS and ITF on health protection measures on board ships in response to (COVID-19)

Source: IMO - "The COVID-19 related restrictions on crew changes have a major impact on the health and well-being of seafarers. Although some Governments have taken action to alleviate the situation, more than 200,000 seafarers are still waiting to be repatriated, many remaining on board long beyond the end of their original contracts.

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Norway - Crew change, quarantine and shore leave

Source: GAC Hot Port News - "The quarantine period for individuals arriving in Norway from overseas, including crew, is ten days.

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Source: MARITIME AND PORT AUTHORITY OF SINGAPORE - 1. Singapore continues to take a calibrated and risk-based approach in determining the precautions and measures for the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Revisions to crew change for cargo ships under special circumstances in the port of Singapore (supplement to PMC #26 & #27)

Source: MARITIME AND PORT AUTHORITY OF SINGAPORE - "1. Crew changes in the Port of Singapore have been carried out under the requirements in Port Marine Circulars No.s 26 and 27 of 2020.

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