
Bunker delivery note amendments enter into force as sulphur 2020 requirement looms

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Danish Maritime Authority: Remember to renew your CLC, Bunker, Athens and WR Certificates

Source: Danish Maritime Authority - 7 December 2017 - Time has come to apply for renewal of CLC, Bunker, Athens and Wreck Removal Certificates from the Danish Maritime Authority. The certificates must be renewed once a year when the underlying insurance expires.

Ships that are required to hold a certificate must not operate without valid certificates.

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Reminder - Application of the Bunkers Convention in Australia

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority issued Marine Notice 6/2016 reminding owners and managers of ships of more than 1000 gross tonnage arriving at or leaving an Australian port or offshore facility are required to carry an appropriate insurance certificate (‘Bunkers Certificate’) in accordance with section 15 of the Protection of the Sea (Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollutio

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