Bahamas Maritime Authority Information Bulletin 76 Rev. 4 - Carriage of Immersion Suits

Source: BMA - Guidance and Instructions for Bahamas Recognised Organisations, Bahamas Approved Nautical Inspectors, Ship Owners, Managers and Masters . This Bulletin provides guidance on the carriage requirements for immersion suits, anti-exposure suits and thermal protective aids (TPAs).

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List of Certificates and Documents required on Board 2017

From our colleagues at Maritime Cyprus: Nearing the end of year 2017, and after several requests, we are informing our readers that IMO has updated the 

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Does your VDR work? Don’t wait to find out!

September 1, 2016 - USCG Marine Safety Alert 12-16 "Good Data Input Equals Good Data Output" - This safety alert reminds vessel owners and operators to periodically validate the proper operation of their vessel’s Voyage Data Recorder (VDR).

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Heavy Metal: The Pending SOLAS Container Weight Verification Scheme

John Kimball of Blank Rome Maritime gave presentation during the Legal Session at CMA Shipping 2016: 

"Heavy Metal: The Pending SOLAS Container Weight Verification Scheme"

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