
About the Flag

Japan is an island chain located in eastern Asia between the north Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan east of the Korean peninsula. It is a constitutional monarchy and a member of the OECD, the UN, and the IMO. The capital is Tokyo, and the Japanese language is spoken. The head of government is the Prime Minister, and there is a bicameral Diet. The Emperor is the chief of state in symbolic sense and without political power.

Japan is known for its strong work ethic, mastery of high technology, and remarkable government/industry cooperation. It has one of the most powerful economies in the world. Major trading partners are the Southeast Asia, the United States, and Western Europe, and chief exports are manufactures including machinery, motor vehicles, and consumer electronics. The unit of currency is the yen.

The Ship's Registration Rule (“Senpaku-Toki-Kisoku”) regulates registrations in the Tokisho for the recording of vessel ownership, while the Ship's Law (“Senpaku-Hou”) and its enforcement regulations cover registrations in the “Chihou-unyukyoku”, an administrative register for determining the tax on a vessel.