Matson's Order Demonstrates Cost of US Build Requirement

Drewry Shipping Consultants has highlighted the higher costs of shipbuilding in the US compared to other nations in light of Matson's recent order for two US vessels:

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US Renews Full Funding for Maritime Fleet

The US government has restored full funding of $186 million for its merchant fleet in its recent budget proposal.

Fairplay reports:

US-flag funds restored

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Seward & Kissel Partner Continues to Speak out on Piracy

Seward and Kissel partner Bruce Paulsen spoke with Fox News on issues surrounding piracy in response to the hijacking of the U.S. vessel C-Retriever this past week. 

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USCG Proposes New Liability Limits Under OPA 90

For those who can't deal with Washington bureaucratic babble, here's a chart of the proposed limits:

Proposed liability limits under OPA 90

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