News Items

Germany Appoints New Maritime Coordinator

Germany has named Bremerhaven MP Uwe Beckmeyer as maritime coordinator.

Lloyd's List reports:

Germany names Beckmeyer maritime co-ordinator

Bremerhaven politician brings existing knowledge of shipping to role

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Liberian Registry Commended in Lloyd's List Global Safety Awards

The Liberian Registry has been recognized in the Lloyd's List Global Safety Awards for its commitment to upholding seafarer standards beyond those set by the Maritime Labor Convention, as well as its efforts to bring home the crew of the abandoned A Whale, whose captain, Khan Jubail Niaz, was named Seafarer of the Year. The registry reports:

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Belize Offers Registration Incentives

Building upon eight percent fleet growth in 2012 and a recent promotion to the Paris and Tokyo MoU Grey Lists, the Belize registry is offering incentives to attract quality tonnage.

IMMARBE will offer a 25% discount to ships that experience no detentions within a calendar year and extend that discount to 35% to vessels that remain detention free for two or more years.

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Tokyo MoU Reforms Inspection Regime

The Tokyo MoU has announced plans to inspect vessels more or less frequently based on risk level in a system based on the Paris MoU model.

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Sweden Reconsiders Tonnage Tax

Sweden is reconsidering implementation of a tonnage tax after seeing its fleet flag out to other Scandinavian registries.

South Korea President-Elect Intends to Reinstate Maritime Agency

South Korea President-Elect Park Geun-Hye has announced plans to restore the country's Ministry of Maritime and Fisheries Affairs upon taking office.

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Lloyd's List Releases 2013 Fleet Statistics

Lloyd's List has released its 2013 report on the state of the global fleet, outlining the ten largest flag states and classification societies.

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Swedish Fleet Declines, Finnish Expands

The Swedish fleet stands at a crossroads as it sees its numbers decline while Finland is experiencing an uptick in registrations. Fairplay reports:

Sweden’s flag fall swells Finnish coffers

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Greece to Enforce Tax on Foreign-Flagged Ships

Greece has announced plans to tax foreign-flagged ships that are nationally managed or owned for the first time as it seeks additional sources of revenue.

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Journalist Examines Impact of Arab Class Society

Lloyd's List's Craig Eason speculates about the impact that UAE-based class society Emirates Classification Tasneef may have in the market.

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