News Items

ICS Releases 2012 Flag State Performance Table

The International Chamber of Shipping has released its 2012 Flag State Performance Table.

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Netherlands to Report on Greek Yachts Anchored in National Ports

The Netherlands has agreed to inform Greek authorities about yachts anchored in its ports. The information exchange will allow Greece to more effectively levy taxes on yacht owners as it aims to strengthen its struggling economy.

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Faroese Maritime Authority Appoints New Director

Mr. Hans Johannes á Brúgv has been appointed Director General of the Faroese Maritime Authority on January 1, 2013.

We received word from Tommy Petersen, who previously held the position, "I send my best regards to you all and I thank you for good cooperation."

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Isle of Man and UK Agree to Tax Information Exchange

The Isle of Man and United Kingdom have announced an agreement to openly exchange tax information to achieve transparency and reduce tax evasion.

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Cayman Islands Posts Updated Fee Schedule for 2013

The Cayman Islands Registry has issued an updated fee schedule for 2013.

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Role of Nationalism in DNV-GL Merger

Craig Eason of Lloyd's List has written about the historic relationship between class society and nation and how the Germanischer-Norske merger will impact this dynamic.Craig Eason of Lloyd's List has written about the historic relationship between class society and nation and how the

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Cayman Islands Posts Updated Fee Schedule for 2013

the changes primarily relate to the tonnage fees. document.

the fee schedule posted on the isrr website will be updated accordingly.

all fees can be found in the linked document.

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DNV and Germanischer Lloyds to Merge

Classification societies Det Norske Veritas and Germanischer Lloyds have announced a merger that will make their new company DNV GL Group the world's largest class society.

The classification societies Det Norske Veritas and Germanischer Lloyds have announced a merger that will make their new company DNV GL Group the world's largest class society.

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Greek Shipowners and State Continue Discussion

Greek shipowners and government officials continued their storied dialogue at the annual forum coordinated by the Hellenic branch of the Women’s International Shipping and Trading Association (WISTA).

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Isle of Man Shows Maritime Prowess

The Isle of Man Ship Registry's success over the past ten years demonstrates that small states can become strong maritime powers.

The state, whose size measures approximately three times the area of Washington, D.C., places 20th worldwide as measured by gross tonnage, with a fleet size of 15 million gross tons.

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