
Moore Stephens Survey Identifies Market Confidence at 'Highest Level Since 2008'

UK-based accounting firm Moore Stephens has released a summary of its recent Shipping Confidence Survey, identifying confidence levels at their highest since 2008.

Shipping confidence hits highest level since 2008

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Greece to Enforce Tax on Foreign-Flagged Ships

Greece has announced plans to tax foreign-flagged ships that are nationally managed or owned for the first time as it seeks additional sources of revenue.

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Netherlands to Report on Greek Yachts Anchored in National Ports

The Netherlands has agreed to inform Greek authorities about yachts anchored in its ports. The information exchange will allow Greece to more effectively levy taxes on yacht owners as it aims to strengthen its struggling economy.

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Isle of Man and UK Agree to Tax Information Exchange

The Isle of Man and United Kingdom have announced an agreement to openly exchange tax information to achieve transparency and reduce tax evasion.

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Greek Shipowners and State Continue Discussion

Greek shipowners and government officials continued their storied dialogue at the annual forum coordinated by the Hellenic branch of the Women’s International Shipping and Trading Association (WISTA).

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Marshall Islands Developing Offshore Presence

The Marshall Islands Registry plans to further develop its thriving offshore market in the coming year.

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UK Greek Shipping Cooperation Committee Welcome Country's Reforms

The UK's Greek Shipping Co-operation Committee has praised Greece's actions to revitalize its registry.

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Dubai Maritime City Development Underway

The first office building in the highly anticipated Dubai Maritime City (DMC) officially opened one month ago today.

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LISCR CEO Visits US Treasury

Liberian Registry CEO Scott Bergeron met with the US Treasury last week to discuss the role of registries in the industry.

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