
Greek Owner Loyal to National Flag

In a recent interview with TradeWinds shipowner John Angelicoussis, whose group oversees Anangel Maritime Services, Maran Tankers Management and Maran Gas Maritime, spoke about controlling the largest Greek flagged-fleet in the industry.

An excerpt of the article states:

Japan Faces Challenges in Providing Competitive Tax Environment for Shipowners

Japan continues challenges in its tax system's ability to compete with other jurisdictions that can offer lower rates to shipowners.

Lloyd's List reports:

Five years on, Japan’s shipowners are still singing the tonnage-tax blues

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Greek Shipowners Unhappy with Mandatory Double Taxation

Greek shipowners are discontent with a bill passed late last year mandating double taxation among other tax increases.

Lloyd's List reports:

Greek tax grab sours shipowners’ mood

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EU Ruling on Malta Tonnage Tax Would Impact All Member States

Malta ship registrar general Ivan Sammut has said that the EU's evaluation of the country's tonnage tax regime would affect all member states.

Fairplay reports:

EU Tonnage Tax Early Adopters to Experience Fleet Review by Year End

Cypriot entities which opted into the tonnage tax during its first year offered will experience a fleet review to ensure they continue to meet the required quota of EU flagged ships for tonnage tax qualification.

Andreas Neocleous & Co reports:

Shipping & Transport - Cyprus

OGSR Presents on Key Yacht Flags at Cayman Forum

The Cayman Yacht Forum took place in Fort Lauderdale, FL yesterday featuring speakers representing Alley, Maass, Rogers & Lindsay; Maples and Calder, and our Official Guide to Ship & Yacht Registries.

Moore Stephens Speaks on State of VAT

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Moore Stephens Praises EU's Continued Commitment to Maritime State Aid

Moore Stephens has issued a press release commending the European Commission's decision to continue its maritime transport aid to member states:

Moore Stephens welcomes EC decision to maintain maritime state aid guidelines

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Swedish Attorney Cites Flag as "At Crossroads"

Attorney Sören Thorlin of Skarp Stockholm Advokatbyrå argues that Sweden needs to establish a tonnage tax regime and establish an international registry if it wants to remain competitive as a maritime nation.

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