
St. Kitts and Nevis Registry Ascends Paris MoU List

The St. Kitts and Nevis Registry is pleased with its recent promotion to the Paris MoU Grey List and hopes to build upon this development over the next few years.

A spokesperson for the flag reports:

Paris MoU performance highlights SKANReg progress

Surveyor Analyzes Effectiveness of MoU Lists as Targeting Tool

Regs4Ships senior consultant Paul Owen wrote a recent feature for Safety at Sea examining the effectiveness of MoU lists as tools for targeting vessels over the past decade.

Owen's article is featured as follows.

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Marshall Islands Continues to Improve Upon Performance Record

The Marshall Islands Registry, already a longstanding member of the Paris MoU White List, is taking action to even further improve its standards.

TradeWinds reports:

Flag boss strives for improvement

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Comoros Flag Accused of Questionable Practices

Comoros' Register of Ships has been brought into the limelight for an alleged lack of transparency regarding its fleet's size and whereabouts.

A feature in Fairplay reports:

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Belize Offers Registration Incentives

Building upon eight percent fleet growth in 2012 and a recent promotion to the Paris and Tokyo MoU Grey Lists, the Belize registry is offering incentives to attract quality tonnage.

IMMARBE will offer a 25% discount to ships that experience no detentions within a calendar year and extend that discount to 35% to vessels that remain detention free for two or more years.

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Liberia Approves ICS Flag Evaluations

Liberia has issued the following statement on how flag states should be evaluated, particularly in terms of challenging the assumptions and terminology associated with type of registry.


Tokyo MoU Reforms Inspection Regime

The Tokyo MoU has announced plans to inspect vessels more or less frequently based on risk level in a system based on the Paris MoU model.

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ICS Releases 2012 Flag State Performance Table

The International Chamber of Shipping has released its 2012 Flag State Performance Table.

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Shipowners Prepare for 2013 PSC Inspections

As 2012 winds down, shipowners are preparing for the upcoming implementation of the Maritime Labor Convention.

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