
Isle of Man Shows Maritime Prowess

The Isle of Man Ship Registry's success over the past ten years demonstrates that small states can become strong maritime powers.

The state, whose size measures approximately three times the area of Washington, D.C., places 20th worldwide as measured by gross tonnage, with a fleet size of 15 million gross tons.

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EU Flag Would Be Advantageous

There are clear benefits of establishing a European Union flag, yet national pride among member states remains the primary obstacle in its development.

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“Registering” for Social Media: Guidelines from the OGSR

The ISRR suggests strategies and tips for launching and maintaining a social media presence.

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Registries Welcome ITF’s Evolving Stance

Last month the ISRR shared a quote suggesting the ITF may be becoming more open to open registries. Understandably, flag states seem pleased with the organization's change in stance.

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ITF Evolves Position Toward Open Registries

A recent Lloyd's List article suggests that the International Transport Workers Federation may be developing its understanding of the relationship between registry type and quality.

A recent Lloyd's List article suggests that the International Transport Workers Federation may be developing its understanding of the relationship between registry type and quality.

International Chamber of Shipping Explains MLC Requirements

The International Chamber of Shipping has outlined the measures required as the industry prepares for the Maritime Labor Convention's implementation in 2012.

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BMT Nigel Gee and Cayman Islands Registry Publish Joint Paper

BMT Nigel Gee and the Cayman Islands Registry are publishing a joint-paper on the 2010 Passenger Yacht Code and the flexibility it provides in yacht design.

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Depends on How You Look at It

This week Communications Director of the Liberian Registry Allison Williams submitted a letter to Lloyd's List challenging its claim that the Marshall Islands fleet "appears to be growing faste

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Debate Regarding Open Registries Continues

The examination of national and open registries continues in a recent LinkedIn discussion.

DNV Offers MLC Training Course

Det Norske Veritas is offering a seminar advising shipowners and flags on meeting requirements of the recently ratified Maritime Labor Convention.

Det Norske Veritas is offering a seminar advising shipowners and flags on meeting requirements of the recently ratified Maritime Labor Convention in order to prepare for its 2013 entry into force.

Course highlights will include:

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