Debate Regarding Open Registries Continues

The examination of national and open registries continues in a recent LinkedIn discussion.

A thorough discussion has recently taken place within the business networking site LinkedIn regarding the familiar open v. national registries comparison. The question was posed, "Is it not time to drop the flag of convenience, and register all vessels like any other forms of transportation?"

Participants in the discussion come from a range of specialties within the industry, including training, consultancy, law and flag administration.

Frequently cited editorials in this debate, such as the New York Times' "Flying the Flag, Fleeing the State" and Liberian Registry CEO Scott Bergeron's response piece, "Ship Registry Performance is not Academic," were referred to in the discussion.

The ISRR commented on the thread, "As editors of a website and blog examining these issues we have corresponded with many administrations as well as those who have participated in this discussion and can vouch for their points of view."

We continue to stand by both open and national registries as providers of quality service and fleets. For further coverage, we invite you to read our previous articles filed under "Open v. National."

To view/add to the LinkedIn discussion, join the Maritime Executive group on LinkedIn if you have not already, and feel free to leave comments on this post as well.