Liberian Registry introduces cost-saving measures

3 June 2016 - (Source LISCR) The Liberian Registry has introduced a range of cost-saving provisions to help mitigate the burden and financial strain currently being placed on owners and operators of Liberian-flag vessels during the sustained economic downturn in the maritime and offshore sectors.

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FLAGSHIP: Liberian Registry further strengthens its relationship with Greek Shipowners

FLAGSHIP, Special Issue


Liberian Registry further strengthens its relationship with Greek shipowners

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LISCR appoints Gerry Buchanan as managing director for Hong Kong

Having recently retired as president of Genco Shipping & Trading, Gerry is taking on a new and different career. We wish hall the best.

From the LISCR press release:

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Liberia continues to lead the way as sustainable shipping leader with ratification of the Nairobi Wreck Removal Convention (WRC)

Last month, the Liberian International Ship and Corporate Register (LISCR) became the first major ship registry to ratify the 2007 Nairobi Wreck Removal Convention (WRC), which is set to go into effect on April 14th, 2015.  Liberia is one of eight flag states that have ratified the convention.  Other flag states, including Panama, have announced their intention to ratify th

Liberian Registry Unveils New Environmental Initiative, Provides Tonnage Tax Incentives

Yesterday, the Liberian International Ship & Corporate Registry (LISCR) announced a new sustainability program that will relieve a portion of ship owners’ tonnage tax burdens upon participation.  LISCR intends to be the “ensure that Liberia remains the greenest fleet afloat,” said CEO Scott Bergeron.

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Liberian Registry provides MOL-funded medical supplies to Ebola-hit Liberia

11 November, 2014

The Liberian Registry has used a $10,000 donation from Mitsui OSK Lines (MOL) to procure medical supplies to help combat the spread of Ebola in Liberia.

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Liberian Registry backs IMO advice on Ebola virus

The Liberian Registry has come out in full support of the International Maritime Organization’s recommendation that there should be no general ban on international travel or trade due to the Ebola virus. Meanwhile, operation of the US-based registry remains unaffected.

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LISCR Appoints Robert Twell as London Office General Manager

The Liberian Registry has named Robert Twell as the new general manager of its London office.

The organization reports:

LISCR appoints new general manager for London

Liberian Registry Commended in Lloyd's List Global Safety Awards

The Liberian Registry has been recognized in the Lloyd's List Global Safety Awards for its commitment to upholding seafarer standards beyond those set by the Maritime Labor Convention, as well as its efforts to bring home the crew of the abandoned A Whale, whose captain, Khan Jubail Niaz, was named Seafarer of the Year. The registry reports:

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YCF Group Appoints New Vice-Presidents and Managing Director

The YCF Group of Companies, which administers services for the Liberian and Luxembourg ship registries, has recently appointed new individuals to key positions at its Corporate Headquarters in Vienna, VA, USA and its Hamburg, Germany offices.

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