Open registries

List of Countries Requiring Cooperation With an International Boycott

We picked up the following from Dennis Bryant's excellent maritime blog.

Here's an issue for the administrations of various ship registries, especially those based in the US.

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UNCTAD 2013 Review of Maritime Transport Highlights Registration Trends

The United Nations Conference of Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has released its 2013 Review of Maritime Transport (RMT), which highlights trends within the industry including ship registration.

Following is an excerpt from the report. A PDF version with accompanying charts is available here.

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Some Flagging Out by Greek Owners

A recent study from the Greek Shipping Co-operation Committee indicates that while the national flag remains the most popular choice for domestic shipowners, there have been some reflagging to registries as Malta, the Marshall Islands and Panama over the past

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Liberia Approves ICS Flag Evaluations

Liberia has issued the following statement on how flag states should be evaluated, particularly in terms of challenging the assumptions and terminology associated with type of registry.


Yacht Registration Advisor Traces History of Open Flags

Registration service provider has posted some insightful commentary on the development of open registries during the 20th century.

Open Vs Closed Registry

Isle of Man Shows Maritime Prowess

The Isle of Man Ship Registry's success over the past ten years demonstrates that small states can become strong maritime powers.

The state, whose size measures approximately three times the area of Washington, D.C., places 20th worldwide as measured by gross tonnage, with a fleet size of 15 million gross tons.

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EU Flag Would Be Advantageous

There are clear benefits of establishing a European Union flag, yet national pride among member states remains the primary obstacle in its development.

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Nigerian Institute of Shipping Advocates for Open Registry

The Nigerian Institute for Shipping (NIS) has asked the government to consider implementing an open registry to develop the country's maritime industry.

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ITF Evolves Position Toward Open Registries

A recent Lloyd's List article suggests that the International Transport Workers Federation may be developing its understanding of the relationship between registry type and quality.

A recent Lloyd's List article suggests that the International Transport Workers Federation may be developing its understanding of the relationship between registry type and quality.

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