
Marine Money Gears Up for Annual Superyacht Finance Forum

Marine Money preparations are underway for its 7th Annual Superyacht Finance Forum scheduled for September 23rd, 2014.

Gibraltar Hosts Red Ensign Group at Annual Conference

Gibraltar hosted fellow Red Ensign Group member states at the 26th Annual Red Ensign Group conference June 30th - July 4th, 2014.

The Red Ensign Group reports:

Gibraltar hosts REG Conference - Monday, 28 July 2014

Liberian Registry Featured at Marine Money Week

Hilary Spilkin, Hara Gisholt, Elan Cohen and Christian Mollitor at Marine Money Week 2014.

Marshall Islands Registry Ackowledges Marine Money Chairman at 27th Annual Marine Money Week

The Marshall Islands Registry paid tribute to Marine Money and OGSR Chairman Jim Lawrence at the Marine Money Week cocktail reception last Wednesday, June 18th.

Registries to Have Strong Presence at CMA Shipping 2014

Registries including the Marshall Islands, Liberia, Dominica, Panama, Antigua, Jamaica and Vanuatu will congregate at Shipping 2014 this week in Stamford, CT.

Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Funds Continuing Maritime Education

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) has created the Maritime Cluster Fund (MCF) to support continuing education and business development within the industry.

The MCF webpage states:

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