shipregistries's blog

Norwegian Maritime Authority Director Outlines Registry's Strengths

Norwegian Maritime Authority director-general of shipping and navigation Olav Akselsen has written about the highlights of the country's ship registries:

OGSR Presents on Key Yacht Flags at Cayman Forum

The Cayman Yacht Forum took place in Fort Lauderdale, FL yesterday featuring speakers representing Alley, Maass, Rogers & Lindsay; Maples and Calder, and our Official Guide to Ship & Yacht Registries.

Saint Lucia Considers Developing Its Yachting Presence

The government of Saint Lucia is considering plans to enhance its presence as a yachting center including a billion dollar partnership with Taiwan and the establishment of a Yachting Registration Desk.

A spokesperson for the government reports:

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Croatia's EU Accession Affects Tax, Registrations

Croatia's entry into the European Union this past July 1 2013 has impacted yacht owners registered with the jurisdiction. Hamburg-based Der-Yacht-Anwalt, also known "The Yacht Attorney", explains how in the following text:

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Ship and Yacht Registry Review on Hiatus Through July 21st

The Ship & Yacht Registry Review (SYRR) will be on hiatus through Sunday, July 21st. Regular updates will resume the week of July 22nd.

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Official Guide to Ship & Yacht Registries

Isle of Man Company Registry Meets Service Targets

The Isle of Man Company Registry's first quarter 2013 results indicate it has met all of its service standard targets.

Is 'Crisis' a Fair Assessment?

Even in the context of affirmations from Cyprus' Department of Merchant Shipping, Shipping Chamber and owners that the country is working through its financial challenges, the OGSR sees media outlets attempting

Lloyd's List Ranks Top Ten Flags of "Last Voyage" Vessels

In a special report on ship recycling Lloyd's List has identified the ten most frequent flags of vessels about to be scrapped.

MLC Will Reshape Definition of Seafarer

The upcoming Maritime Labor Convention is causing the industry to consider questions of who are considered seafarers, particularly in the context of service workers employed aboard passenger vessels and cruiseships.

Flag states and seafarers unions will have to reach agreements regarding who should be considered a seafarer.

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