ship registration

Liberian Registry Unveils New Environmental Initiative, Provides Tonnage Tax Incentives

Yesterday, the Liberian International Ship & Corporate Registry (LISCR) announced a new sustainability program that will relieve a portion of ship owners’ tonnage tax burdens upon participation.  LISCR intends to be the “ensure that Liberia remains the greenest fleet afloat,” said CEO Scott Bergeron.

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Current Top Flags of Registry statistics to be published by MARAD within the Month

The U.S.

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113th IMO Council session considers relieving flag owners’ administrative burdens

The International Maritime Organization convened on December 3rd, 2014 to discuss an IMO Assembly resolution providing recommendations to overhaul ineffective international ship registry policy.  During this session in particular, the Council agreed on several general recommendations aimed at cutting out some of the inefficiencies common and notorious within ship registries.&nbs

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On Sen. McCain’s (R-Arizona) Keystone XL Amendment for the repeal of the Jones Act’s domestic-build clause

The shipping media has reacted powerfully to an amendment to the Keystone XL Pipeline bill offered by Senator John McCain, which calls for the repeal of the domestic-build clause set forth by the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, colloquially known as the Jones Act. 

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The Goal "Deterrence" - EPA Releases Policy on Penalties for Violating the New Sulfur in Fuel Standard

Typical EPA regulatory policy - maker a policy so convoluted that just about any penalty can be imposed. To quote a bit of the introduction to the policy:

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Liberia is a party to the Nairobi Wreck Removal Convention

PRESS RELEASE 01/15                                                                                           

15 January, 2015

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Wrecks Convention (2007) enters into force 14 April 2015

Our friends at the UK Maritime & Coast Guard Agency have issued a very useful Marine Information Note providing details about the convention and how to obtain the required certificate for UK flag vessels. Especially useful were instructions for vessels that are not required to have an International Tonnage (69) certificate.

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Cook Islands accedes to Wreck Removal treaty

From the IMO website

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Shipping needs can-do attitude in 2015

The following from the opening paragraph of our friends at Moore Stephens Winter 2015 newsletter Bottom Line says it all.

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OGSR entry for Latvia has been updated.

Our colleague Raimonds Vingris, head of the Latvian Ship Register has sent us an update for the OGSR entry. Check it out.

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