ship registration

Reminder - Application of the Bunkers Convention in Australia

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority issued Marine Notice 6/2016 reminding owners and managers of ships of more than 1000 gross tonnage arriving at or leaving an Australian port or offshore facility are required to carry an appropriate insurance certificate (‘Bunkers Certificate’) in accordance with section 15 of the Protection of the Sea (Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollutio

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IMF Wants A Shipping Carbon Tax

While the shipping industry is in a state of chaos the International Monetary Fund (IMF), responding to the December 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change, proposes to bleed the industry just a little by imposing a carbon tax on CO2 emissions. To quote the report's Executive Summary "Substantial amounts could also be raised from charges on international aviation and maritime fuels.

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UK Updates Ports Pre-arrival Notification Procedure

Guidance about the information which ships intending to enter a UK port must provide before arriving and being granted entry from the UK Department for Transport, Maritime & Land Transport Security
Maritime Europe & Projects Team.

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Marshall Islands Adopts New Standards for PMSCs

From our friends at who did an excellent job of summarizing the RMI Marine Notice MN-2-011-39 Piracy Armed Robbery and the Use of Armed Security (Updated)

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US Coast Guard - Ballast Water Management Explained

This is the first post in a six-part series of blogs on Maritime Commons to provide updates and information about the Coast Guard’s ballast water regulations and implementation.

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US Court of Appeals Derails Adoption of the Ballast Water Management Convention

Our colleague Dennis Bryant ( writing in the November 2015 issue of The Maritime Reporter provides an excellent explanation of the Courts decision and potential consequences.

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The Republic of the Marshall Islands Ranked Number One Foreign Flag in Greece

Piraeus, 24 November 2015

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USCG To Increase Limits of Liability Under OPA 90 - Effective 12/21/2015

The Coast Guard is issuing a final rule to increase the limits of liability for vessels, deepwater ports,
and onshore facilities, under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, as amended (OPA 90), to reflect significant increases in the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

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USCG Is Concerned About Hazardous Conditions On Vessels That Were In The Port of Tianjin August 12th & August 15th

The US Coast Guard issued Marine Safety Information Bulletin (MSIB 07-15) to alert owners, managers and agents of vessels that were in the Port of Tianjin China when the the tragic explosions on August 12th and 15th, 2015 occurred. For the full bulletin click here

To quote the beginning of the bulletin:

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Are Your Crews Missing Out On Training? If So It Can Cost You!

We all know proper crew training is essential for the safe and efficient operation of your ships. But are they really getting and understanding the training they need. The following excerpt from a recent USCG press release re a vessel detained in Baltimore, MD indicates some crew may not be. By the way, the US District Attorney for Maryland is probably checking into this.

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