ship registration

Prominent Transport Attorney Joins New York Firm

Renowned law firm Seward and Kissel has announced the addition of attorney John Imhof as partner within its Maritime and Transportation Finance division:

A spokesperson for the firm reports:

Seward & Kissel Strengthens Maritime and Transportation Finance Practice with Addition of John Imhof as Partner

Australia Issues an Updated Marine Notice Regarding Asbestos on Ships

The purpose of this Marine Notice is to draw the attention of operators and ship owners to the ongoing prohibition of asbestos on ships, noting that Australian law requires operators to take all reasonable steps to protect the health and safety at work of employees and contractors.


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More MOU Concentrated Inspection Campaigns - This Time on STCW Hours of Rest

Again from our friends at Lloyd's Register - The Paris, Tokyo, Indian Ocean and Black Sea Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) on port state control will launch a joint concentrated inspection campaign (CIC) on 1 September, 2014.

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Cyprus and Georgia Sign Merchant Shipping Agreement

Cyprus and Georgia have signed a merchant shipping agreement with provisions as summarized in the following article, originally featured on

Finland Considers Additional Incentives for Environmentally Forward Thinking Owners

Finland is considering increasing aid to owners of nationally flagged fleets who invest in environmental initiatives.

Lloyd's List reports:

Finland mulls new green aid to shipowners

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USCG announces changes to their Marine Safety Manual Vol. III

The Marine Safety Manual provides information and interpretations on international conventions and U.S. statutory and regulatory issues relating to marine industry personnel. The last revisions were released on May 27, 1999. The primary reasons for these changes, which are effective as of Aug.

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Newly Appointed Panama Ship Registry Chief Fernando Solórzano Speaks About Role

Newly appointed Head of the Panamanian Ship Registry Fernando Solórzano recently spoke with Seatrade Global about his new position,

Former Chief of Panama Registry joins Liberian Flag

Alfonso Castillero has stepped down from the highest position with the Panamanian registry, accepting a Vice Presidential role at the Liberian Registry.

Gibraltar Hosts Red Ensign Group at Annual Conference

Gibraltar hosted fellow Red Ensign Group member states at the 26th Annual Red Ensign Group conference June 30th - July 4th, 2014.

The Red Ensign Group reports:

Gibraltar hosts REG Conference - Monday, 28 July 2014

Statutory Alert: Port State Control – Caribbean MOU

Our friends at Lloyd's Register brought the following to our attention - The Caribbean Memorandum of Understanding (CMOU) on port state control will launch its second concentrated inspection campaign (CIC) on 1 September, 2014. This will focus on ensuring compliance with SOLAS Chapter II-2 and the International Code for Fire Safety Systems on board ships.

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