ship registration

Rio Tinto Reflags Fleet from UK to Singapore

Rio Tinto has announced plans to transfer its fleet from the UK to Singapore flag for economic and practical purposes.

TradeWinds reports:

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Greek Owner Loyal to National Flag

In a recent interview with TradeWinds shipowner John Angelicoussis, whose group oversees Anangel Maritime Services, Maran Tankers Management and Maran Gas Maritime, spoke about controlling the largest Greek flagged-fleet in the industry.

An excerpt of the article states:

Marshall Islands Registry Holds Ballast Water Seminars in Japanese Cities

The Marshall Islands Registry hosted seminars on Ballast Water Management Treatment Systems in Tokyo and Imabari, Japan this past April.

The Registry reports:

Tokyo, 7 April 2014

Celebrating 100 Million Gross Tons in the RMI Registry

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Antigua and St. Kitts Registries Create Cooperative Data Centre

The Antigua and Barbuda and St. Kitts and Nevis Registries have established the Caribbean Cooperative Data Centre (CDC) for Long Range Tracking and Identification (LRIT) of vessels.

The Antigua and Barbuda Department of Marine Services and Merchant Shipping (ADOMS) reports:

Liberian Registry Reflects on Storied Relationship with Greek Owners

As it prepares for Posidonia next month the Liberian Registry reflects on its long standing relationship with Greek shipowners:

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Bermuda Registry Launches London Office

Bermuda is opening a ship registry office in the United Kingdom.

Lloyd's List reports:

Bermuda on the move

Panama Maritime Authority Director Outlines Accident Reporting Procedures

Panama Maritime Authority Director Alfonso Castillero stands by the registry's policy to not release accident reports publicly, arguing that sharing them with other flag states is more effective and sufficient.

TradeWinds reports:

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Panama Maritime Law Association Recommends Registry Privatization

Panama's Maritime Law Association Apademar recommends the establishment of the country's ship registry as a government owned corporation.

TradeWinds reports:

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CMA Editor Elaborates on US Maritime History

Connecticut Maritime Association newsletter editor Don Frost has written a follow-up to his February editorial on United States maritime policy in the publication's May edition, this time chronicling these policies from 1960 through 1990.

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Isle of Man Ship Registry Featured in Financial Times

The Isle of Man Ship Registry is highlighted in a special Financial Times special report on the British Crown Dependency:

Overseas delegations seek out local expertise in Isle of Man

by Andrew Bounds

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