Source: - Germany is the latest country to accede to IMO's treaty for safe and environmentally-sound ship recycling – the Hong Kong Convention.
Source: Danish Maritime Authority - By 2020, Denmark will have a digital register of shipping that will lower costs for business communities and provide easier access to data.
Source RMI: The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) remains on the white list for Paris MoU for 2019. Paris MoU Committee published the 2018 inspection results and adopted new performance lists for flags and Recognized Organizations (ROs) at its 52nd meeting last month. RMI has been recognized by the Paris MoU since 1999
Source: LISCR Press Release 6/25/2019: The Liberian Registry has once again been included on the White List of low-risk flags in the 2018 Annual Report of the Paris Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Port State Control, covering the European region. It has been white-listed by the Paris MoU now for almost 20 years.
Source: P&I insurance broker P. L. Ferrari & Co. Newsletter - 7th June 2019 Enforcement of sanctions has recently intensified and, in particular, the US Department of Treasury has strengthened their controls and surveillance to identify ships trading in the sanctioned countries / areas (see our Newsletters from 2/19 to 6/19).
May 2, 2019 Source: InterManager: A large range of vessel operators, managers and crew took part in the three month-long industry-wide survey, with crew from almost 250 ships providing feedback – representing more than 5,000 seafarers.