In an economic environment that seems to result in nothing but cost increases, the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation is bucking the trend by announcing that tolls would remain the same for 2011.
A policy requiring Polish seafarers working aboard the Norwegian International Register (NIS) to pay Polish income taxes, effective January 1, 2011, raises questions about the future of open registry labor policies.
Laura Sherman of the Marshall Islands Registry discusses how Greece's expected lifting of cabotage laws for cruise vessels should benefit their flag and the shipping market as a whole.
Among the many connections forged at Posidonia last week was the Jamaica Ship Registry's signing of Greek marketing agency Adora Investments as its representative in the Greek shipping market.
South Korea, supported by the United States, has limited trade with North Korea in response to the country's sinking of one of South Korea's warships earlier this year.
Norwegian tanker company Odfjell plans to flag five of its ships with the Norwegian International Shipping Register to show national support for the registry.
Singapore, Shanghai, and Hong Kong have developed into a triumvirate of Asian shipping power centers, each with different strengths to offer the market.