
Marshall Islands Registry Speaks Up on Global Issues

The Marshall Islands Registry discusses global issues such as UN Sanctions on Iran and how the Deepwater Horizon incident has affected their perception by others.

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Oil Spill Spurs Debate over Flag Responsibility

The two months since the Deepwater Horizon disaster have fueled discussion regarding how flag states and classification societies can work with owners and governments to prevent future disasters.

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EU Urges Ireland to Reform Port State Regulations

The European Commission has requested that Ireland improve its port state inspection measures, claiming that the country is not meeting the standards Directive 95/21/EC has implemented. Ireland has two months to fulfill these standards.

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USCG Blocks Norwegian Flagged Vessel

The US Coast Guard has prohibited the Norwegian-flagged and owned Wilmina from entering its ports as a result of what it has determined is a failure to meet IMO MARPOL regulations on pollution control.

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Liberian Registry Offers VOC Management Plan Consulting Services

The Liberian Registry has announced that it offers a VOC Management Plan Review and Approval Service to its clients to help them meet IMO standards monitoring air pollution.

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Pacific Islands Collaborate to Protect Tuna Population

The Pacific-based PNA intends to add 4.5 million square kilometers of deep seas to its areas blocked off to fishermen in order to protect the tuna population.

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Review Updates: Somali Pirates Threaten Explosion of Samho Dream

Somali pirates aboard the South Korean Samho Dream threatened to explode the vessel last week unless they received ransom money, however, no new developments have occurred since.

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DNV Assists Indian Firm to Develop Natural Gas Exploration Program

DNV has helped Indian energy firm Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) develop a safe, environmentally sound natural gas exploration and production program.

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IMO Adopts North American Emission Control Area

An air pollution emission control zone Canada and the United States advocated surrounding their coastlines has recently been adopted by the International Maritime Organization.

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