mhanson's blog

The end of an era

From our friend Dennis Bryant's excellent blog at - The Hong Kong Marine Department issued a&nb

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The US Coast Guard and the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships

The following caught our notice from our friends at Montgomery McCracken in their most recent Maritime and Transportation Newsletter. The article explains recent court rulings with respect to the extent of the USCG authority to detain foreign flag vessels suspected of violating the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships (APPS). The authority is broad and not to be taken lightly.

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The Maistre of ship registration was born in Malta, still Europe’s largest Flag

Privately owned GM International Services Limited, founded in 1974 and run by John A. Gauci-Maistre K.M., has been offering consultancy services in maritime, corporate and financial sectors for four decades working not only with his own State administration.

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Results for the first year of the Maritime Labour Convention

113 ships detained for MLC related deficiencies

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Fleet Shipmanagement Celebrates Twenty Years

Fleet has made the most of celebrating its twenty years, hosting parties with clients and staff around the world.  The photos were taken in September on Cyprus where senior management and shareholders joined with clients and Fleet’s team based in Nicosia for an event celebrating and acknowledging one of the company’s most important centers.

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Liberian Registry provides MOL-funded medical supplies to Ebola-hit Liberia

11 November, 2014

The Liberian Registry has used a $10,000 donation from Mitsui OSK Lines (MOL) to procure medical supplies to help combat the spread of Ebola in Liberia.

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Liberian Registry backs IMO advice on Ebola virus

The Liberian Registry has come out in full support of the International Maritime Organization’s recommendation that there should be no general ban on international travel or trade due to the Ebola virus. Meanwhile, operation of the US-based registry remains unaffected.

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The Ship Mortgage Crisis - How ship valuation methods rationalized toxic shipping portfolio and ship covered bonds

Professor Okan Duru, Assistant Professor, Izmir Katip Celebi University posted, on his Linkedin page, a fascinating study of the the current

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Canada – Marine Navigation in the Canadian Arctic

Thanks to Bryant's Maritime Consulting blog for the following which we found of interest - especially the Conclusions section.

From the blog:

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Reducing Cost and Boosting Efficiency - Remember the Human Element

Our friend Capt. Michael Wilson, President of Laurin Maritime (America) Inc. has kindly allowed us to present his recent Keynote speech to the SHIPPINGInsight 2014 Conference, Oct 1 in Stamford, CT.

To quote a part of his presentation discussing implementing the latest innovation to reduce cost and boost efficiency:

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