mhanson's blog

SCI 2014 Seafarer Shore Leave Survey Results Announced

With MLC, 2006 in force, one might hope to see a reduction in the number of seafarers without visas; yet, recent data collected by SCI shows that not only are shipowners failing to pay for crewmember visas as required by the Convention but also flag states are failing to enforce the requirement.

ILO Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 Update

In light of our entry by Ms. Valdés with respect to the MLC 2006 we took a look at the schedule for the convention coming into force. For August 2014 Belgium, Germany, Ghana, Hungary, Japan, Lithuania, Malaysia and the United Kingdom (including Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Gibraltar, and Isle of Man).

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Maritime Law-Presentation at the Newport Charter Yacht Show on MLC

Michelle Otero Valdés, Esq., a maritime attorney with Chalos & Co. based in Miami spoke at the recent Newport Charter Yacht Show on the topic titled "The Climate on Crewing has Changed; The Maritime Labor Convention 2006 Enters Into Force". Her presentation and case studies focused on the impact the MLC can have on yacht charterers.

Some Thoughts on Ship Recycling

As a former registry administrator, it’s not often that I can get behind the concept of an IMO Convention. The Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009 is one that I can embrace.

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Attorney Michael Chalos Presents on Marpol Annex VI

Partner Michael G. Chalos of law firm Chalos O'Connor LLP recently presented at the Heidmar Pool Forum on the Marpol Annex VI regulations.

Chalos has generously shared a copy of the presentation with the OGSR, which we have posted for our subscribers' reference here.

Paris MOU Issues Black-Grey-White target list for 2010

The list was issued June 6th and is based on inspection data for the period 2008-2010. 84 flags are on the 2010 list, up from 82 for 2009. The 2010 breakdown is "Black List" 18 (down 6 from 2009), "Grey List" 24 (up 5 from 2009) and "White List" 42 (up 3 from 2009).

New to the "Black List" are Ukraine, Tanzania and Azerbaijan

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Piracy - The scourge worsens - Will seafarers boycott transit through Indian Ocean

Doug Stevenson (Center for Seafarer Rights), USCG Adm. Kevin Cook, Roberto Giorgi (President, V.Ships), Peter Hinchliffe (int. Chamber of Shipping) and Guy E.C. Maitland (Man. Partner International Registries, Inc.) discuss the on-going threat of piracy off of Somalia.

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Isle of Man to Increase Registry Fees: Subject to approval by IOM Parliament

We're basing this article on information from the Isle of Man Government website and are awaiting confirmation. Consideration by the IOM Parliment (the Tynwald) is scheduled for March 15-17, 2011 with approval as proposed expected. Highlights of the changes that come into force 1 April 2011: Most fees are increased by an average of 4.7% in line with inflation and with some rounding of the figures to rationalise increases into ‘sensible’ numbers.

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Paris MOU Starts a “New Inspection Regime” on 1/1/2011

The Paris MOU has introduced a new port state control inspection regime from the 1st of January 2011. This New Inspection Regime (NIR) was developed by the Paris MOU following consultation with the industry on a mechanism to focus Port State Control inspections and to reward quality shipping.

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Paris MoU Launches New Website on 17/1/2011

The website provides access to information and activities of the regulatory authorities for Europe and Canada known as the Paris MOU on Port State Control.

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