News Items

Bolivia Registry to delist vessels if sanctions violations discovered

Bolivia Registry Director Zoilo Roca Kikunga says it will remove vessels in violations of international sanctions.

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Iranian Crude Oil Exports in Decline

A Lloyd's List Intelligence study indicates that Iranian crude oil export volumes for March 2012 were one-third lower than their monthly average for 2011, potentially suggesting that sanctions imposed on the country are having an effect.

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Potential Syria Weapons Delivery Foiled

A German-owned, Antigua and Barbuda-flagged ship that had been headed for Syria changed course after learning that it was possibly carrying military equipment that the regime planned to use against dissidents.

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Iranian Naval Ship Rescues Chinese Ship from Pirates

An Iranian warship has rescued the Chinese-owned, Panamanian-flagged cargo ship from Somali pirates.

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Malta registry delists Iran-connected tanker

The Maltese registry has delisted a vessel linked to an Iranian ownership and carrying Syrian cargo.

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Stockholm Research Institute Recommends Port State Control as Best Choice for Clamping Down on Trafficking

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute has published a paper outlining the challenges involved in regulating the industry and offers solutions on how to reduce illicit trafficking that can result from these regulatory ambiguities.

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India Shipping Corporation allows armed guards

The Shipping Corporation of India has announced intentions to hire PCASP for protecting its vessels against piracy.

An article shared on LSS Ltd.'s website explains:

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Paris MoU agrees to share information with IMO

The Paris MoU Secretary General Richard Schiferli has signed an agreement to exchange Port State Control detention statistics with Jo Espinoza-Ferry, the Director of the IMO Secretariat's Administrative Division.

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UK Accounting Firm Advises Shipowners about New Taxation Policies

Moore Stephens has informed clients that HMRC has extended anti-avoidance legislation and explains how shipowners could be affected.

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