
International Maritime Bureau Statistics: Piracy Incidents Outlined by Flag States

The International Maritime Bureau, the organization which we reported compiles data on piracy incidents worldwide, has shared data with us regarding the number of piracy incidents flag states have reported in each year for the past six years.

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International Maritime Bureau Representative Speaks with ISRR about Piracy Reporting Program

An International Maritime Bureau representative spoke with the ISRR following our article regarding their collaboration with Panama, Liberia and the Marshall Islands to collect information measuring the human cost of piracy. Tanasegaran, a representative for IMB Head Noel Choong, said:

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Three Largest Registries Support New Reporting Procedures for Violence at Sea

The registries of Liberia, Panama and the Marshall Islands have each signed a declaration to report information to the International Maritime Bureau regarding incidents of violence at sea.

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With Armed Guards’ Presence Increasing, More Transparency Needed

As the continued issue of piracy increases the use of armed guards onboard vessels in response, the need for coordinating international guidelines has also escalated.

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Sarosh Zaiwalla speaks with the ISRR on Piracy

Following publishing our article about IMO member Sarosh Zaiwalla's suggestion for a UN Naval Task Force, the ISRR reached out to Mr. Zaiwalla to express our support for his proposal. Mr. Zaiwalla was kind enough to share some further thoughts with us.

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IMO Urges for Piracy Prevention at International Level

IMO member Sarosh Zaiwalla of Comoros  is advocating for a UN Navy Task Force that would monitor piracy incidents along the Somali coast.

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Industry Discussion of Armed Guards Continues

The maritime community has been discussing the use of armed guards aboard vessels in response to the continued issue of piracy within the Gulf of Aden and other high risk areas.

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EU Announces Sanctions Against Iran; Registries Speak About Sanctions’ Impact

Recently the European Union joined the United States and the United Nations in announcing sanctions against Iran as a response to the rogue state's support of weapons programs.

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Marshall Islands Registry Speaks Up on Global Issues

The Marshall Islands Registry discusses global issues such as UN Sanctions on Iran and how the Deepwater Horizon incident has affected their perception by others.

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