Open registries

Greek Shipowners, Maltese Flag Experience Fleet Growth

Both the Greek-owned and Malta-registered fleets have increased in size and quality over the past 25 years, and Malta registry consultant John Gauci-Maistre believes a correlation exists between the two success stories.

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Free Market Still Industry’s Best Option

In light of South Africa considering introducing cabotage regulations along with similar protectionist measures being adopted by China and Korea, an industry commentator has written that cabotage laws still introduce more costs than benefits.

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Marshall Islands Registry Popular with Japanese Owners

Japanese shipowners compose a significant client base for the Marshall Islands registry, as one of its largest and fastest-growing shipowning groups.

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Liberia a Preferred Flag for Greece

A recent report by the Greek Shipping Co-operation Committee (GSCC) indicates that Liberia is the most frequently chosen open register by Greek owners and second most chosen registry overall.

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Potential Syria Weapons Delivery Foiled

A German-owned, Antigua and Barbuda-flagged ship that had been headed for Syria changed course after learning that it was possibly carrying military equipment that the regime planned to use against dissidents.

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Stockholm Research Institute Recommends Port State Control as Best Choice for Clamping Down on Trafficking

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute has published a paper outlining the challenges involved in regulating the industry and offers solutions on how to reduce illicit trafficking that can result from these regulatory ambiguities.

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Sweden Seeks EU Guidance in Decade Long Labor Dispute

In a ruling that could set a precedent for the industry, Sweden has asked the the European Court of Justice for guidance in approaching a 10 year old case involving a national labor union's claim against a Panamanian-flagged vessel.

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2012 National Defense Authorization Act Contains New Iran Sanctions

The law firm Seward and Kissel has issued a press release this week in relation to the U.S.’ 2012 National Defense Authorization Act, which contains information regarding sanctions against Iran.

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Faroe Islands Registry Responds to ITF’s ‘Unjust’ Designation as ‘Flag of Convenience’

The Faroese Maritime Authority has released a statement in response to the ITF's classification of the registry as a "flag of convenience" in November. The statement further affirms the ISRR's viewpoint that common assumptions about the relationship between type of registry and performance are often misconceived. The release explains well the complex nature of the industry poorly captured by the idea of "flags of convenience."

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Panama Chamber of Shipping Welcomes International Owners

The Panama Chamber of Shipping is encouraging international shipowners registered with the Panamanian flag to join the organization, an historic act.

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