Open registries

ITF Declares Faroe Islands ‘Flag of Convenience’

The ITF has indicated the Faroe Islands, a second register with national and international components, as the latest addition to their list of "flags of convenience."

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Historic British Vessels Flag Out. But what’s their primary motive?

Cunard has made an historic decision to switch their cruise ships' registry from the United Kingdom to Bermuda. The ISRR considers possible reasons for the change.

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International Chamber of Shipping Promotes Guidelines for Quality within Industry

In his address to delegates at the 14th Russian Register Seminar on Quality Shipping in St. Petersburg earlier this month, International Chamber of Shipping Director of External Relations Simon Bennett explained how shipowners and flag states have the ability to work together to ensure quality performance and commercial success.

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American Coastal Waters and Shorelines Protection Act Misses the Point

In the latest development to United States maritime policy, Congressman Steve Cohen has re-proposed the American Coastal Waters and Shorelines Protection Act – a bill that would require offshore vessels drilling in U.S. waters to be nationally flagged.

Paris MOU Issues Black-Grey-White target list for 2010

The list was issued June 6th and is based on inspection data for the period 2008-2010. 84 flags are on the 2010 list, up from 82 for 2009. The 2010 breakdown is "Black List" 18 (down 6 from 2009), "Grey List" 24 (up 5 from 2009) and "White List" 42 (up 3 from 2009).

New to the "Black List" are Ukraine, Tanzania and Azerbaijan

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Lloyd’s List Intelligence Releases Flag State Report

Lloyd's List Intelligence has just released its latest report on the ten largest flag states as measured by gross tonnage:

1. Panama
2. Liberia
3. Marshall Islands
4. Hong Kong
5. Bahamas
6. Singapore
7. Malta
8. Greece
9. China
10. United States

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Liberian Registry President Asks Owners to Look at All Costs in Addition to Flag State Price

Scott Bergeron of the Liberian Registry emphasizes that investing in a flag state with a caliber record will reduce likelihood of shipowner costs in the long term and addresses issues the maritime registry community faces today.

Flagging out grows. Beneficial to open registries.

Open registries are becoming increasingly dominant within the maritime industry.

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