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EU Invests in African Development

The European Union has pledged €1.2 million to an agreement between the IMO and African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) to enhance the flag administrations of Western and Central African States.

The IMO reports:

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African States Unite on Cabotage

The African Union is develpoing a cabotage regime among member states in the hopes of boosting its share of the world fleet.

Fairplay reports:

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SAMSA CEO Speaks About Need for African Maritime Presence

Coordinators from last week's Africa Martime Indaba conference have shared SAMSA CEO Commander Tsietsi Mokhele's presentation from the event with the OGSR. 

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Importance of Ship Registries Highlighted at MARADS 2013

The creation and revival of ship registries within African states has been identified as an integral part of developing the continent's maritime industry at the Heads of African Maritime Administrator

African Flags Convene to Discuss Industry


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