News Items

Paris MOU: 2009 Report

The Paris MOU on Port State Control's 2009 Annual Report, released last month, provides the maritime community with updated white, grey, and black lists, classifying flag states according to performance.

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Marshall Islands Registry Speaks Up on Global Issues

The Marshall Islands Registry discusses global issues such as UN Sanctions on Iran and how the Deepwater Horizon incident has affected their perception by others.

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Oil Spill Spurs Debate over Flag Responsibility

The two months since the Deepwater Horizon disaster have fueled discussion regarding how flag states and classification societies can work with owners and governments to prevent future disasters.

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Registries Converge at June Conventions

June has been a busy month for the maritime world with conventions taking place from Greece to New York.

As the OGSR previously reported, Posidonia took place June 7-11, 2010, and was attended by several of the world's leading registries.

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Greek Marketing Agency Hired by Jamaican Registry at Posidonia

Among the many connections forged at Posidonia last week was the Jamaica Ship Registry's signing of Greek marketing agency Adora Investments as its representative in the Greek shipping market.

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Registries at Posidonia 2010

Registry officials from around the world traveled to Posidonia 2010, Europe's largest annual maritime conference which took place in Piraeus, Greece last week, June 7th-11th.

Malta, the Cayman Islands, Belize, Cyprus, Liberia and the Bahamas were among the registries that hosted booths at the event.

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Panama Promoted to MoU Grey List

Panama has been promoted to the Paris MoU grey list of flag states after two years on the black list.

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USCG Blocks Norwegian Flagged Vessel

The US Coast Guard has prohibited the Norwegian-flagged and owned Wilmina from entering its ports as a result of what it has determined is a failure to meet IMO MARPOL regulations on pollution control.

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Review Update: Samho Negotiating with Pirates

Samho Shipping has stated that it is in the process of negotiations with the Somali pirates who seized the company's VLCC Samho Dream in April this year.

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